The ECRI Institute has published their annual Top 10 Hospital C-Suite Watch List for 2018. This list is published each year:
“…to highlight new technologies and patient care developments that should be on the radar of healthcare leaders because these topics are likely to enter the conversation as you consider new technologies and infrastructure changes, large and small.” (p. 3)
The list includes:
- Mobile medical apps to improve addiction treatment adherence
- Direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- Acuity-adaptable rooms to minimize room transfers
- Insertable cardiac monitors that communicated with smartphones
- Virtual reality for pediatrics to reduce pain and anxiety
- Noninvasive devices for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
- Microneedles for near painless blood draws
- MRI systems for neonatal intensive care units (NICU)
- GammaTile Radiation Therapy System for treatment of brain tumors
- Microhospitals for health care access in rapidly growing areas
If you’re interested in receiving your own copy of the list, visit this link.